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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:45   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2016/9/9 11:39:08 打印






In 1879, the Japanese Learning Institute will Prussian army officers in the restructuring of the "long Lapel" as the boys uniform, then other colleges continuously follow. And the woman's "sailor suit" appeared in 1921, when the women's College in Fukuoka in order to allow the female student action to facilitate, manufacturers to set off the sailor suit style uniforms.
Later, Tokyo and other areas of the campus are numerous to follow, "sailor suit" so to become the same high school women school uniforms in Japan, is still a student of the only love. In Japan, the annual "clothes for the day" (June 1st, for wear summer clothes day), newspapers will cancel a "sailor suit" woman photos, focus on the early summer comes, this scene has become Japan's summer "poem" one.
Someone from the Japanese school uniforms seen in the "patriarchal" thought, "because the Japanese boys uniforms similar officers, women's uniforms as seaman or soldiers wear, while the soldiers need obey the officer's command". From analysis of these rigid, Japanese school uniforms are still in possession of some romantic elements -- if the graduation day woman received second buttons on the boys, boys in that means "I love you" - second buttons, is the one closest to the heart.
"Look!" my boys would probably oppose, "our uniforms which have a fine something presentable!"


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