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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:52   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2016-8-20 22:09:30 打印


2016 the world textile fabrics and accessories (Autumn) Expo will be on October 11th to 13th in the National Convention Center (Shanghai) held a grand, from the association of Shishi City fabric thereafter said, this year, Shishi company will once again pushing back, federal Sanhe, Yi Sheng, Xie Sheng Xie Feng, Donglong, development of Yao, macro too 30 excellent fabrics will be composed of area of more than 2000 square meters of "Shishi cloth hall again faceless Shanghai winter accessories exhibition.

据了解,本年的展会展出面积将达22.8万平方米,到时,来自29个国家和地区的超越4500家面辅料供货商将参展,本届博览会还将与我国世界纺织纱线(秋冬)博览会、我国世界服装服饰博览会和PH Value我国世界针织(秋冬)博览会同期举办,四展联动,尽显纺织产业链上下游互动优势。

It is understood, this year's exhibition area will reach 22.8 million square meters, at the appointed time, from 29 countries and regions beyond the 4500 accessories suppliers will be exhibiting, exposition will be with our country the world textile yarn Fair (Autumn), China world clothing & Accessories Fair and pH value in our country the world knitting (Autumn) Fair held at the same time, four linkage exhibition, filling the textile industry chain downstream interaction strengths.


It is reported that as our country leisure clothing city and China leisure fabric trade city, this year the lions Pavilion, the federal Sanhe, Sheng Yi, CO prosperity, Donglong, development of Yao, macro too 30 excellent fabrics will to "same decoration, exhibit consistent, consistent propaganda" exhibition mode, creating area more than 2000 square meters of "Shishi Cloth Hall", again faceless Shanghai winter accessories exhibition. Is not the same as in the past, the Shishi Cloth Hall debut by Shishi professional fabric market and industry associations common interpretation, Shishi City, namely the cloth materials of the most influential new professional fabric market Shishi world textile city and the city of Shishi Association will jointly hosted.



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