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2017春夏订货会 智能服装引领时尚

来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:52   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2016-8-20 21:56:37 打印





这并不是听这个年服装职业技术理顺纷纷加风车打开销售市场的新局面。牌大写,以前的七匹狼及兴趣挂3D -装配热深度合作,红豆男装也第一次才能开杂货店,红白领3D印刷厂化也完成工业升级。

This theme is "you will be the future of" capital brand Smart Pop published and the spring and summer of 2014 Xiamen open. Of interest, the capital brand has released two new smart jacket jacket, breaking the traditional plan. There are 17 hidden storage bag.

The introduction of new products in many scenes for business people to use the clothes a moment, also convenient shoulder baozi. "Fujian Brand Capital Group Co., Ltd. chairman Zhao Hongwu and finally even sentences to introduce, the jacket mixed the latest technology development results, removing even clothes, eyeshade and instantaneous inflatable pillow.

Relying on smart jacket, capital card has not yet announced the money smart bracelet, bracelet, the use of detachable intelligent modules and retail independent intelligent tank plan, that is, the choice of independent heart sweet. Put clothing, smart bracelet has records, music attacks, remote control, photos, information tips, sedentary tips, throw away, watch the early morning up, prompt and other functions.

You see, this is the last word in uppercase, enter the smart card Zhao are beginning to pop category. "Science and technology to modify the daily data of each person, intelligent and widely used in the day star, the future development direction of the future trend of clothing is necessary. "He needs to capital brand to seize the initiative and take the initiative to innovative thinking, theory and planning theory model category results.

This is not to listen to this year's clothing technology to straighten out the new situation have to open sales market. Brand capital, the previous seven wolves and interest in hanging 3D assembly thermal depth cooperation, beans men are the first to open the grocery store, red collar 3D printing factory also completed industrial upgrading.



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