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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:58   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2016/8/20 23:06:13 打印


1 、衣料以斜纹路花型的比较好,大格的柔软质地的也不错,毛质地的衣料可以放在第一位考虑,最好不要选直纹路。

2 、服色搭配时,上装与衬衫,或上装与裤子的颜色之间要形成较强烈的对比。这样可以从感觉上增加宽度,使人看上去粗壮一点。

3 、绝对不要穿黑色和近乎黑色的上装,否则人越发显得干瘦,应穿膨胀色的服装,颜色可选用灰色、灰褐色、浅灰色等,用以增加扩张感。          

4 、如果穿针织服装可以选择横条纹的,但不可选择竖条纹的。领带应选择宽型的,色彩应是明亮的。为了使脸部也相应显得宽阔,可以把头发的鬓角留得厚实丰满些。

5 、小胸围的男士应穿较紧胸围的衣服,这样可撑满衣服,使胸廓显得较宽。如果认为小胸围穿大胸围的衣服能显得胖一点,那就大错特错了,宽大的衣服反而使人显得更瘦。体形瘦长的人如果穿西服,最好穿三件式的西装,因为穿上马夹可以使扁窄的上身显得丰厚。  

Wear a suit, suit fabric without Pinstripe and plaid, tops and pants color is comparative and bright than wear a complete set of suit good, double breasted wide collar style more suitable for you, the head and shoulder pads, a bag cover, all this can you increase a broad feeling, playing on a moderate silk tie is best triangle or vertical small pattern, if possible, coupled with a collar vest, make your body more thick. The trousers have distinct folds and folds. With the wide belt and the shoes, you can add a sense of values.

Specifically to have the following five points

1, cloth with twill pattern is quite good, the pellet of soft texture, good, hair cloth can be put in the first place, it is best not to choose straight lines.

2, clothing color matching, with the shirt, or coat and trousers to form a strong contrast between the color. This can increase the width from the feeling, making people look a bit thick.

3, never to wear black and almost black coat, otherwise the person becomes more and more lean, wear expansive color of clothing, color can be selected gray, beige, light gray, to increase the expansion of the sense of.

4, if you wear knitted clothing can choose the horizontal stripes, but can not choose vertical stripes. Tie should be wide type, the color should be bright. In order to make the face appear correspondingly wide, can make hair sideburns keep some thick plump.

5, small bust man wear tight clothes chest, which can fill clothes, make the chest look wider. If you think the chest of small wear bust of clothes look a little fat, that would be wrong, baggy clothes but make the person look thinner. Lanky if wear a suit, it is best to wear three piece suit, because wear on the waistcoat can make flat narrow upper body appear rich.




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