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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:19   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2017/8/31 10:53:58 打印







Washing water quality and grade are the main factors that determine the quality of a pair of jeans. Usually, high grade jeans and washing water will be relatively complex, hand more, and hand washing design will be more distinctive. Because a lot of water washing process is mainly made by manual workers, so the same brand of the same batch of goods, the quality of washing water will be different.
Wash water is usually good, looks very natural, whether hand rub, monkey or oil painting, wash out the effect after years of wear more like fading effect after washing natural wear, the better. Poor washing water looks unreal and unnatural at one glance.
Since the average consumer doesn't differentiate between the fabric and the type and the quality of the washing, it's usually taken for granted that the style and the price are central. In fact, leave version and fabric, texture and processing quality to talk about style, there is no sense, and this is also a considerable consumer misunderstanding. When we buy Jeans, we only want to choose what we like when we guarantee that there are no major problems with the type of print, the fabric and the processing.
Many of the classic including the world famous brand jeans, styles are doing is very simple, and even many consumers still think it is not ugly, but because they are in the version type, fabric and processing of these internal quality aspects do very well, so wear these pants, even the style is very simple to do it is the kind of high-end, aristocratic temperament is reflected.
On the contrary, many have no inherent quality of jeans, although the style of imitation is very good, but how to see is not up to grade products, and after a few times after washing, its quality is miserable. In addition, consumers do not pay attention to the product price, the excessive pursuit of cheap junk or excessive superstition some expensive but the quality is not very good foreign brands, but also a very immature performance.


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