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来源:北京绅凯服装   浏览:33   【字体: 】 发布日期: 2016-9-13 22:01:08 打印



1)制衣中必须要有能正确表达的款式图 纸样在服装设计中占有重要的位嚣,理论性较强。特别是外加工,为提高批量生产的生产效率,将款式图转化成纸样时必须尽量排除款式图中不合理的地方。因此涉及到细节部分必须要有能看得清楚的款式图。


2)必须要有3 方位的表达图 即使在一般的服装中,制作纸样时也需要有能正确把握服装各部分结构的说明图。在前面所讲到的功能性服装的纸样和制作规格中,更是不可缺少。

并且,为了充分满足它的需要,至少要有 $ 个方位(前、后、侧面)的着装表达图。

对于更为复杂且特殊的服装,还希望在这 $ 个方位基础上,加上上面甚至下面,即有 4个方位以上的表达图

Clothing design and production process, the following two models are necessary.
One is the general style, is to express the overall effect of clothing. Another style is the expression of the overall structure of the clothing and parts of the structure, that is, the structure diagram.
1) garment must have correct expression styles like very important drawings holds the position in the clothing design, theory of strong. Especially the processing, in order to improve the production efficiency, the styles of map into pattern must try to eliminate the unreasonable design diagram. So it involves the details of the need to have a clear picture of the style.
In addition, sports wear, heavy duty service, protective clothing, life service, special environment and other functional clothing. Because sometimes the structure is complex, also need to have the correct representation of the structure of the style.
2) there must be 3 range of expression even in the general clothing, when making pattern also needs to be able to correctly grasp the clothing structure of each part of the map. Functional clothing mentioned in front of the pattern and production specifications, it is indispensable.
And, in order to fully meet the needs of its needs, at least $a bearing (front, rear, side) of the dress code.
For more complex and special clothing, but also in the hope that in this $bearing based on the above and even below, that is, there are more than 4 directions of expression


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