Line check double breasted clothing buttonholes in clothing is determined, but not before the center line.
图 1
Figure 1
A 沿止口线向左取钮扣直径的长度,画上扣眼标准线。
A along the rabbet line left from button diameter, standard line painted on the buttonhole.
B 轻轻画一条线平行于止口线,向上止于翻领驳点(虚线)。
B gently draw a line parallel to the stop line, to stop at the point (dashed line) Lapel barge.
B参看“设计在中心线上的扣眼”的图 1、图 2,设计标准扣眼。
B refer to the design in the center line of the buttonhole "figure 1, figure 2, design standard.
图 %
’" 要在服装左侧标出钮扣位置,沿前中心线折叠纸样,将双排扣的叠门宽折到服装的
"To mark the clothing left button, folding along the center line of the pattern, the double breasted folding door wide fold to clothing
On the opposite side (shadow area).
!" 用锥子剌出右边的扣眼位。
"With an awl stab out! The right button position.
#" 打开纸样。
# open pattern.